Monday, June 13, 2011

When is it my turn?

Everyone around me has lost an incredible amount of weight! Good for them! My mother lost 150 pounds through exercise and weight watchers. A dear friend is at 130 and counting through exercise and the paleo diet. I have another buddy who is just exercising his brains out and has lost 80 pounds! I am so excited for all of them and feel inspired by each of them but for only so long...I find myself doing that HORRIBLE, needy friend thing and feeling left out. WHY AM I THE ONLY FATTY LEFT?!?! They were my comfort. The reason it was okay to eat that crap. I wasn't alone! Now they and their comforting folds of flesh are gone. They have been replaced by happy, healthy, people that DO things instead of constant tv for entertainment. Maybe I will join them in their exuberance over a bike ride instead of the cloud of dread that currently hangs over my head when thinking about it. When is it my turn? NOW! Baby steps, baby steps. What have I done today to get closer to my goal? First of all I have set my goal. I am a female, 26, 6'0" at 346. In the end I am wanting to reach 175. I need to lose 171 lbs! That is almost 1/2 of me. I am actually 2 people put together in one body. Gross. My first mini goal is 30 pounds. When I hit 316 I am putting $100 in my Hawaii fund. My husband and I are going to Hawaii a little over a year from now! I have also joined my local gym. L.A. Fitness has group classes on top of a great facility, hopefully I will put this to good use. I have joined weight watchers. I do not want to live the rest of my life without CARBS and am afraid I would gain the weight back once I reached my goal if I used a diet that limits them. I have also taken my before picture. I'm not sure if I will post it yet, tummy and all. I have eaten a healthy breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks and am debating how to get in my exercise this evening. The night is where I get into trouble and eat eat EAT! Wish me luck!

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